Whereami QuickFHIR adapter
1.0.11 - draft

Whereami QuickFHIR adapter - Local Development build (v1.0.11). See the Directory of published versions



The following resources provide additional information to support use of the API.


The adapter provides health care data exchange via a standard HL7 FHIR REST API.

Capability statement

The Capability Statement for the adapter provides formal documentation of the set of capabilities (behaviors) of the adapter when deployed as a FHIR Server.

This can also be retrieved at runtime using the standard capabilities interaction.


Postman is a collaboration platform for API development.

The Postman collection can be used to evaluate the API capabilities. Given access to a QuickFHIR Cell, Postman can be used to exercise the FHIR endpoint.


Read location

The single operation supported by the adapter is read:Location where id=whereami:

GET [base]/Location/whereami

The Cell specific environment (configured through the QuickFHIR console) provides the configuration for the adapter and sets the name within the returned resource:


The adapter will return a FHIR Location resource of the following format:

    "resourceType": "Location",
    "id": "whereami",
    "name": "London"