Aggregator Adapter for QuickFHIR
1.0.0 - draft

Aggregator Adapter for QuickFHIR - Local Development build (v1.0.0). See the Directory of published versions


Official URL: Version: 1.0.0
Draft as of 2023-07-18 Computable Name: Aggregator

The aggregator Adapter for QuickFHIR provides an HL7 FHIR API endpoint consistent with the existing SIDeR endpoint.


Provide HL7 Fhir Aggregator API for SIDeR

  • Search on patient identifier to retrieve Medication statements.

Terms of use

The adapter is provided by Black Pear. The adapter aggregates data from multiple FHIR endpoints. You must have the relevant permission to access these endpoints.


Example: Shows 2 endpoints, http configuration and optional via header identifier.

    "endpoints": [
        "url": "",
        "informationSource": {
          "reference": "",
          "type": "Organization"
        "url": "",
        "informationSource": {
          "reference": "",
          "type": "Organization"
      "http": {
      "timeouts": {
        "response": 1500,
        "deadline": 10000

Allow access with JWT issued by SIDeR IdP

Operational dependencies

MedicationStatement endpoint

Endpoints should implement a Care Connect API MedicationStatement search from HSCN endpoints so that Active Medications data can be shared.